After the longest day ever (time expands when you travel from London to L.A.), I have arrived. Met Cassie and her canine companion Gordon at Union Station last night. Will be attending the opening Gala tonight. Takahashi-san has asked that I give a speech, but my brain is mush from the jet lag. Haven't heard from P.J. yet, so if you're reading this from London, can you call him and tell him to call his girlfriend, already. The picture is from Cassie's side garden. She has a back garden as well. It's so warm that I can sit out here in a spaghetti strap dress and nothing else. I love southern California.
Kiss Gordon from me, and scratch Cassie behind the ear when you take her out to pee. Also, have a great time talking, and keep us posted!
Took Gordon out for a poo this morning. My first time walking a dog and picking up poo. I think it's Ricky Gervais that does a bit about humans picking up dog poo and if Martians are watching, they know who the boss is.
You should be honored to pick up Gordon's poo. It comes from his cute booty!
Booty...you said booty...
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